Aim Of Experiment : - Logic Gates with NAND and BINARY to GRAY Converter To Study and verify Basic gates Implementatio...

Aim Of Experiment : - Logic Gates with NAND and BINARY to GRAY Converter To Study and verify Basic gates Implementatio...
Generally frequency response is the ratio of output signal to the input signal of a device or circuit in the frequency domain.
Electromagnetic is a branch of physics/ electrical engg. in which electric & magnetic phenomena are studied. Electromagn...
R.F Communication Satellite Communication Microwave Engineering RADAR Technology Antenna Theory Atomic & Nuclear Research ...
It is the range of frequency that the channel can handle for the transmission of the signal with satisfactory fidelity. ...
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Noise and Interference are two major drawbacks of any Communication Systems. These Effect Can Not be Eliminated totally h...
There are two types of multiplexing, Time Division 2. Frequency Division Advantages Of Multiplexing (Click Here) ...
In The Transmission we Save Hardware and save the cost of systems. Types Of MultiPlexing ( Click Here) Definition of ...
It is process in which many no. of signals can be transmitted through a common communication channel modulation can enab...
Modulation Process can help converting a wide band ratio into a narrow band ratio so that the Antenna can be design prope...
The Size of antenna is directly proportional of wave leng th of electro magnetic radiation, Its Generally 1/10 of wavel...
There are Four Needs of Modulation as ......... 1. Practicability of Antenna Size 2. Narrow Ba...