The fundamental property
of a capacitor is that it can store charge and hence electric field energy. The
capacitance C between two appropriate surfaces
is defined by
V =Q/C
where V is the
potential difference between the surfaces and Q is the
magnitude of the charge distributed on either surface.
In terms of current, I = dQ/dt implies
In electronics we take I = ID (displacement
current). In other words, the current flowing
from or to the capacitor
is taken to be equal to the displacement current through the
capacitor. You should be
able to show that capacitors add linearly when placed in parallel.
There are four principle
functions of a capacitor in a circuit.
1. Since Q and E can be
stored a capacitor can be used as a (non-ideal) source of I and V .
2. Since a capacitor
passes AC current but not DC current it can be used to connect
parts of a circuit that
must operate at different DC voltage levels.
3. A capacitor and
resistor in series will limit current and hence smooth sharp edges in
voltage signals.
4. Charging or discharging
a capacitor with a constant current results in the capacitor
having a voltage signal
with a constant slope, ie. dV/dt = I/C =
constant if I is a
Some capacitors
(electrolytic) are asymmetric devices with a polarity that must be
hooked-up in a definite
way. You will learn this in the lab. The SI unit for capacitance
is farad (F). The
capacitance in a circuit is typically measured in μF or pF.
Non-ideal circuits will have stray capacitance, leakage currents and inductive
coupling at high frequency.
Although important in real
circuit design we will slip over these nasties at this point.
Capacitors can be obtained
in various tolerance ratings from ±20% to ±0.5%.
Because of dimensional
changes, capacitors have a high temperature dependence
of capacitance. A
capacitor does not hold a charge indefinitely because the dielectric
is never a perfect
insulator. Capacitors are rated for leakage, the conduction
through the dielectric, by
the leakage resistance-capacitance product in MΩ· μF.
High temperature increases leakage.
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