Common Emitter Amplifier
The common emitter
configuration is the most versatile of the three. It has low input
impedance, moderate output
impedance, voltage gain and current gain. The input and
output are often
capacitively coupled. Before performing an AC analysis we will discuss DC biasing.
1. DC
DC biasing is setting up a
circuit to operate a transistor at a desired operating point on its characteristic
curve. Three bias networks for the common emitter amplifier are shown in the only path for DC bias current into the
base is through RB. VCC is a power
supply voltage which is generally greater than 10 V such that VPN can be
The DC voltage at the
collector should be large enough to provide at least a 2 V drop between collector
and emitter and clearly must be less than VCC. In the
absence of other circuit requirements, a convenient algebraic choice for VC is VCC/2. DC
circuit analysis results in the following relative sizes of the two resistors: RB = 2hFERC.
Although the circuit works
reasonably well, the fact that hFE is quite
variable among
samples leads to a bad
design. A well-designed circuit should have an operating point that is less
dependent on this parameter. shows a network with the base-biasing resistor
connected to the collector instead of VCC. RF acts as a
negative feedback resistor since it feeds the collector current back into the
base. Analysis gives
Therefore a change in hFE has only
half the effect of the previous design.
A more common bias
stabilization technique employs a series resistor between the emitter and
ground. This circuit has about the same sensitivity to changes in hFE as the
Bias circuits for the
common emitter amplifier.
A further improvement can
be made by introducing a second base-bias resistor as shown in figure . The
bias voltage is determined almost entirely by the two bias resistors.
These biasing methods can
also be used for the common collector and common base configurations.
Approximate AC Model
The circuit is the basic common emitter amplifier using
the simplest biasing method. Because it is constant, the power supply voltage VCC is an AC
ground indistinguishable from the normal ground of the circuit. We can
therefore relocate the upper end of RB and RC to the
common ground line .
The transistor symbol is
ideal and hie is shown
explicitly as the input impedance and hence iS = iB.
Basic CE Amplifier
We can now use the AC
equivalent circuit to calculate the AC voltage gain between the base and
collector. The base voltage is developed across the input resistor hie and vB = hieiB.
The collector voltage can
be similarity expressed as the voltage drop across the resistor RC: 0 − vC = RChfeiB.
Eliminating iB, we can
write the amplifier voltage transfer function
between the base and
collector .
a) Basic CE amplifier and b) AC equivalent
circuit drawn using an ideal transistor
symbol with hie shown
The minus sign indicates
that the voltage signal at the collector is 180o out of
phase with
the signal at the base. The
input impedance to this amplifier circuit is just the parallel combination of RB and hie, and
since hie is usually much smaller than RB, the
input impedance generally reduces to just the input impedance of the transistor
itself, namely, hie.
The circuit output
impedance is the collector resistance RC.
The high-frequency
operation of the common emitter amplifier is limited by the parasitic
capacitance between the
collector and base. This capacitance provides a path by which
the large and inverted
signal at the collector drives a feedback current into the base. The base-to-collector
voltage gain of this amplifier looks like a low-pass filter.
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