Current Circuits
These lectures follow the
traditional review of direct current circuits, with emphasis on two terminal networks
and equivalent circuits. The idea is to bring you up to speed for what is to
come. The course will get less quantitative as we go along. In fact, you will
probably find the course gets easier as we go.
Basic Concepts
Direct current (DC)
circuit analysis deals with constant currents and voltages, while alternating current
(AC) circuit analysis deals with time-varying voltage and current signals whose
time average values are zero. Circuits with time-average values of non-zero are
also important and will be mentioned briefly in the section on filters. The DC
circuit components considered in this course are the constant voltage source,
constant current source, and resistor. Electronics also deals with charge Q,
electric E and magnetic B fields,
as well as, potential V . We will not be concerned with a
detailed description of these quantities but will use approximation methods
when dealing with them. Hence electronics can be considered as a more practical
approach to these subjects.
The fundamental quantity
in electronics is charge and at its basic level is due to the charge properties
of the fundamental particles of matter. For all intensive purposes it is the
electron (or lack of electrons) that matter. The role of the proton charge is
The aggregate motion of
charges is called current I
I =dq/dt
where dq is the
amount of positive charge crossing a specified
surface in a time dt. Be aware that the charges in
motion are actually negative electrons. Thus the electrons move in the opposite
direction to the current flow.
The SI unit for current is
the ampere (A). For most electronic circuits the ampere is a
rather large unit so the
mA unit is more common.
Potential Difference
It is often more
convenient to consider the electrostatic potential V rather
than electric
field E as the
motivating influence for the flow of electric charge. The generalized vector
properties of E are
usually unimportant. The change in potential dV across a
distance d_r in an electric field is
dV = −E · d_r.
A positive charge will
move from a higher to a lower potential. The potential is also
referred to as the
potential difference or, incorrectly, as just voltage:
V = V21 = V2 − V1 = _ V2V1 dV.
Remember that current
flowing in a conductor is due to a potential difference between
its ends. Electrons move
from a point of less positive potential to more positive potential
and the current flows in
the opposite direction.
The SI unit of potential
difference is the volt (V).
Resistance and Ohm’s Law
For most materials V ∝ I; V = RI, where V = V2−V1 is the
voltage across the object, I is the
current through the object, and R is a
proportionality constant called the resistance of the object. Resistance is a
function of the material and shape of the object, and has SI units of ohms (Ω).
It is more common to find units of kΩ and MΩ. The inverse of resistivity is
Resistor tolerances can be
as bad as ±20% for general-purpose resistors
to ±0.1%
for ultra-precision
resistors. Only wire-wound resistors are capable of ultraprecision
applications. The concept
of current through and potential across are key
to the understanding of and sounding intelligent about electronics.
Now comes the most useful visual tool of this course.
1.2 The
Schematic Diagram
The schematic diagram
consists of idealized circuit elements each of which
represents some property of the actual circuit. shows some common circuit elements encountered
in DC circuits. A
two-terminal network is a circuit that has only two points of interest, say
A and B.
Electromotive Force (EMF)
Charge can flow in a
material under the influence of an external electric field. Eventually
the internal field due to
the repositioned charge cancels the external electric field resulting in zero
current flow. To maintain a potential drop (and flow of charge) requires an
external energy source, ie. EMF (battery, power supply, signal generator,
etc.). We will deal with two types of EMFs:
The ideal
voltage source is able to maintain a constant voltage regardless
of the current
it must put out (I →∞ is
The ideal
current source is able to maintain a constant current regardless
of the voltage
needed (V →∞ is
Because a battery cannot
produce an infinite amount of current, a model for the behavior of a battery is
to put an internal resistance in series with an ideal voltage source (zero resistance).
Real-life EMFs can always be approximated with ideal EMFs and appropriate combinations
of other circuit elements.
A voltage must always be
measured relative to some reference point. It is proper to speak of the voltage
across an electrical component but we often speak of voltage at a point. It is then
assumed that the reference voltage point is ground. Under strict definition,
ground is the body of the earth. It is an infinite electrical sink.
It can accept or supply
any reasonable amount of charge without changing its electrical
characteristics. It is
common, but not always necessary, to connect some part of the circuit to earth
or ground, which is taken, for convenience and by convention, to be at zero
volts. Frequently, a common (or reference) connection of the metal chassis of
the instrument suffices. Sometimes there is a common reference
voltage that is not at 0 V. Figure 1.2 show some common ways of depicting
grounds on a circuit diagram.
When neither a ground nor
any other voltage reference is shown explicitly on a schematic diagram, it is
useful for purposes of discussion to adopt the convention that the bottom line on
a circuit is at zero potential.
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